Features of Silk Test

Features of Silk Test

What is Silk Test?

Silk Test is the best automation testing solution for completing regression and functional testing as quickly as possible. It enables object-based implementation. This software analyzes a wide range of technologies, including Java, Firefox, DOM, Mobile, and others. Join FITA Academy for the best Silk Test Training in Chennai and learn from industry experts. 

In 2006, the Silk Test was first used. It is the most secured and reliable test automation system for regression and functional testing of any software application.

Silk Test Workbench’s desktop catalyzes all test activities. Except for the menu bar, you can change the appearance and layout of the desktop panels, windows, and other components. Here in this blog, we describe the Features of the Silk Test.

Features of Silk Test:

Cross-Browser Testing:

Verifying web-based applications can be difficult when various browsers function differently. 

Leverage Selenium:

Run extant Selenium scripts against each desktop or mobile browser. Record new content in any browser to get customized graphical results or to extend current scripts.

Responsive Web Design:

Create magnification scripts to ensure that the appropriate screen sizes are understood in functional tests. Silk Test Online Training offers real-time projects throughout the live session. 

Built-in Synchronization:

Scripts can be written without having to manually synchronize real-time events. Silk Test works with any web-based application, regardless of technology, such as Angular, React, Knockout, HTML5, Apache Flex, and Microsoft Silverlight.

Record and Replay Everywhere:

Create cross-platform automation tests quickly. Create a new, portable test suite once and run it with all supported browsers without having to spend time learning about browser specifics.

Configuration Testing:

Utilizing pre-configured providing related by Silk Central, you can drastically lower the cost of test setup and maintenance. It simply connects to your secure cloud server with private cloud infrastructure to easily conduct tests.

Functions of Silk Test:

Mobile Testing:

Test automation that is dependable and efficient for web, native, and hybrid portable applications. In minutes, you can create automated test sets for iOS and Android apps and execute them on numerous devices for efficient regression, cross-platform, and functional testing.

Robust Test Automation:

Support gestures such as touch, multi-touch, and swipe to replicate the real-world end-user experience. Conduct tests on significant devices to avoid having to access your device or on an emulator to save money on hardware.


Silk Test is a piece of software used to test a wide range of enterprise applications. Silk Test allows each user to design and develop many applications at the same time. Silk Test Training in Bangalore will be your career establishing course.

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