Automation Anywhere Architecture
AA comprises 3 principal components. They are Control Room, Bot Creator, and Bot Runner.
To have a complete comprehension of automation anywhere architecture, Taking Automation Anywhere Training in Chennai is the ideal way to gain knowledge.
Control room
Control Room is a platform on the web which controls Automation Anywhere. That is, it’s the server that manages automation Anywhere’s bots.
In addition, the control room also deal with
- User management
- Source control: the code that controls bots is handled in the control area. This creates it uncomplicated to transmit code with multiple systems.
- Dashboard- It offers the complete results and analytics for Automation Anywhere bots. It lets you see the number of bots that are running and also how the bot failed or passed. This is managed.
- Licensing Management: All licenses purchased for Automation Anywhere can be configured within Control Room.
Two types of Licenses are obtainable in AA.
- Dev License: If you’ve got this license, you’ll be able to make a bot, modify its bots, and run bots.
- Run License: If you own this type of license, you are able to run the bot. However, it won’t alter the bot in any way.
Bot Creator
Developers utilize Desktop software to build bots. Upon authentication, the code of the bots they develop is saved inside the control room. Various developers might develop individual tasks/bots. The bots can be integrated and run in one go.
Bot Runner
Bot Runner is the machine that runs the bot. It is only necessary to have the Run License to run the bots. The bots transmit the execution logs/pass/fail status at the control center.
Attention Reader! a comprehension of RPA architecture assists in executing the RPA integration in a way that is efficient for your company. If you need more information regarding automation anywhere architecture, then you should check out Automation Anywhere Online Training and gain sufficient knowledge of RPA architecture.
Other Components in Automate Anywhere
BOT insights
The program displays graphs and statistics that allow you to assess the performance of each bot that is in the system.
Bot Farm
BotFarm can be integrated into Automation Anywhere Enterprise. It permits you to build several bots. Furthermore, you are able to provide these bots on a rent basis.
Bot Store
It is the initial digital workforce marketplace. You will find many pre-built bots that are suitable for all kinds of automation for businesses.
In this blog, we discussed automation anywhere architecture. We hope that this blog can be beneficial to an automation engineer. If you’re just beginning or want to begin an automation career automation anywhere, then you should take a look at joining FITA Academy which offers top-notch Automation Courses in Chennai. This course was created by industry experts who have been in the field for years.